
Publié le par Potiron

My adventures continue ....

After having redone 2 fronts of Jeanne with a larger size needle, I realised in measuring them that one was smaller than the other!!! (see my article in French here :
Penelope or Not Penelope???)

Not remembering what I had done to achieve this, I unraveled them - again!!!  First I made balls, then a few days later I figured that the fibres had sufferred and that they were going to be taut in the balls, so I unwound them onto the back of a chair and made one big skein to let the fibres fill out again :

And I'm putting it aside........ After a break, maybe my spirits will be clearer and I'll be able to knit this sweater !!!!!!!!!

In the meantime, I'm creating a Thing..... a mystery........

Have a nice sunny day !!!!!

Publié dans Knitting - Crochet

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